MUSICA DE El Canto Del Loco

Letra de El Canto Del Loco - Eres Tonto En Ingles, Musica de El Canto Del Loco - Eres Tonto En Ingles

El Canto Del Loco - Eres Tonto En Ingles

Letra de El Canto Del Loco - Eres tonto (en ingles)
This story I'm telling you
is like a cry, a desperate voice
that shouts asking for help
help for not to see anything
that could obstruct my way
help for not to see that there is
a lot of lack of kindness

I stop and ask to myself:
why don't you live?
surrounded by truth
looking for imbalance
something to fill you up with value
and to distract you from suicide
you don't have to depend on somebody
to feel loved more.

using the coco less (?) and the skin more
since we are, if you don't want to see it,
you're a stupid!
but it is something that was born with you

and tomorrow when you'll wake up,
you'll get out of bed and
you'll fight with your day
you'll look into your face
and tell yourself that you're nothing

you're a stupid!
go out in the street without your stupidity
drawing out from inside,
realizing something about your life,
realize something about your life!

it seems that this fashion
about going on as stupids
trying to look like the person that
you always wanted to be
why don't you like yourself even if only a little bit?
why aren't you yourself and not something similar?

using the coco less (?) and the skin more
since we are, if you don't want to see it,
you're a stupid!
but it is something that was born with you

and tomorrow when you'll wake up,
you'll get out of bed and
you'll fight with your day
you'll look into your face
and tell yourself that you're nothing

you're a stupid!
go out in the street without your stupidity
drawing out from inside,
realizing something about your life,
realize something about your life!

you're a stupid!
and tomorrow when you'll wake up,
you'll get out of bed and
you'll fight with your day
you'll look into your face
and tell yourself that you're nothing

you're a stupid!
go out in the street without your stupidity
drawing out from inside,
realize something about your life!

Letra de El Canto Del Loco - Eres tonto (en ingles), Descargar Musica de El Canto Del Loco - Eres tonto (en ingles), Escuchar musica online de El Canto Del Loco - Eres tonto (en ingles), Eres tonto (en ingles) - El Canto Del Loco Descargar Gratis, Bajar mp3 de El Canto Del Loco - Eres tonto (en ingles), free download de Eres tonto (en ingles) - El Canto Del Loco music

Video Oficial de Eres tonto (en ingles) - El Canto Del Loco

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