MUSICA DE El Canto Del Loco

Letra de El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan En Ingles, Musica de El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan En Ingles

El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan En Ingles

Letra de El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan (en ingles)
A day comes, look calm my Peter Pan
Today there is little threat to do

I feel like in another place
in being alone at home
is the fault of your skin

I will echo that I will be more
Something that has touched this button
Peter took off for

and perhaps now better living
more comfortable and more calm in my inner

bell that you care and you save

sometimes screaming in the sky of
wanting to destroy my calm
chasing you like thunder
to give me that blue lightning

Now I shout from the sky
but you're my soul
me and do not try anything
seem to love me calm .. I am calm

well if you go to the Take me over to my
If you live in the peace marches that I need
And anxiety

But a good day with my
It seemed he wanted to stay here
There was no way to get

If Peter does not want to go
The loneliness I want to live after
Life has its phases, stages

sometimes screaming in the sky of
wanting to destroy my calm
chasing you like thunder
to give me that blue lightning

Now I shout from the sky
but you're my soul
me and do not try anything
seem to love me calm ..

sometimes screaming in the sky of
wanting to destroy my calm
chasing you like thunder
to give me that blue lightning

Now I shout from the sky
but you're my soul
me and do not try anything
seem to love me calm .. I am calm

when you grow marches
Remember that many touring sides
and my time and you see

I have space and it's time to grow

if you live male
I need to peace and so much anxiety

I hope that no more
tranquilité to stay like this
already had enough

was not time to forget
the poor now wants to rest
bell that you care and you save

Letra de El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan (en ingles), Descargar Musica de El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan (en ingles), Escuchar musica online de El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan (en ingles), Peter Pan (en ingles) - El Canto Del Loco Descargar Gratis, Bajar mp3 de El Canto Del Loco - Peter Pan (en ingles), free download de Peter Pan (en ingles) - El Canto Del Loco music

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